NEW Insanity Live - Ashtead | Bookham | Reigate


INSANITY LIVE is a revolutionary cardio-based total-body conditioning program based on the principles of MAX Interval Training. MAX Interval Training allows a person to beat the “stress adaptation response,” which normally happens when your body gets used to exercising at one level of exertion. The result of this is halting your progress on your fitness improvement journey. By using MAX Interval Training, INSANITY pushes the participant to new training heights, resulting in more calories burned, faster results, and a more efficient metabolism. INSANITY’s interval training is the pinnacle of cardio training.

For more information and class timetable, please visit -


Do I need any equipment or training to take part?

INSANITY is a pre-designed interval class that requires no equipment & is easy to learn.

Is INSANITY suitable for people of all levels of fitness?

Yes! Insanity is tough, it is designed to push those new to fitness all the way to triathletes to their limit!

Does this mean if you are are unfit, coming back to fitness or new to classes you should not come?

Absolutely not! All we are looking for is for participants to work hard, if working hard for you means you need to take extra breaks to keep up than thats absolutely fine! We all need to start somewhere!

Can I just drop in to any class?

Absolutely – This is not a course based class everyone will be at different stages, some trying for their first time some for their 20th time.

What do I need to do the first time I come?

You will need to fill out a pre exercise questionnaire to check you have no medical or physical conditions and you are ready to go! Please make sure you arrive 5-10minutes if you are new and bring a bottle of water and a towel

Can I do INSANITY alongside my other training?

INSANITY uses only your body as a tool! Which means all the movements are natural! This compliments many types of training! (although it may be wise to give yourself a rest day after your 1st session) 

Is the class always the same routine?

The brilliant thing about INSANITY is that we release a new workout every 2 months so just when your body is getting used to the workout we hit you with a fresh dose of new exercises and new challenges!

What if I can’t manage some of the exercises?

Sometimes in INSANITY we will performed some really tricky or complicated moves! But don’t panic we also offer a simpler modified version of the same move you can still work whilst you build your strength and confidence.

How much will it cost?

£8 per class or Direct Debit starting from £30 per month

How do I pay?

Cash or card on the night or monthly Direct Debit
All payments are required in advance – sorry no cheques

Do I need to have a membership?

No anyone – Members and Non- Members are welcome to join the class!

Existing CKD members will get a discount on an Insanity Live membership!


What's the next step?

To find out more or to book your first class, please contact us by calling 07905 921956